Monday, January 28, 2008


I pride myself in keeping a clean house, laundry caught up and meals cooked. Recently, and I mean recently like a few days ago, God has revealed to me through two different conversations with people that I have way too high expectations of my husband spiritually and my self in serving him. God revealed to me that my husband's spiritual leadership within our home is right where He wants it to be. I have this vision in my head of what I know God has planned for hubby but I need to trust God and His perfect timing. I need to not try to take the control from God. I know He is so much better at this than I am. DUH? This really shouldn't be that difficult. God vs. Me? We know who wins!!! Contentment has been a big word coming up a lot lately. And the Scripture about God giving grace to humble and Him opposing pride. I am praying fervently for God to grow my heart in these ways. I committing to taking it one day at a time and letting God grow my family and me.


Happy Mommy said...

So easy to say so hard to do... We all want to feel real contentment, it is only through Grace and daily dying of ourself that we let Jesus live through us. And you are so right he always wins he is always right and his plan is much better than ours! God has blessed you with a wonderful husband and I am glad God is showing you, his plans for your family. You are valued high above Rubies!